Friday, January 25, 2008

Activities Update 1-25

1. Berzerk!!! went very well. Our first show at the Alchemist sold out, even some extra seats. The show itself was a crazy stressful wild ride, but it paid off for the most part, some strange things happened, but over-all, it was great.
2. 8 1/2 x 11 second and last weekend is tonight. Last weekend was great, i expect this one to be greater. My play (atheist's last rites) has come together i think very well, after a rigorous physically demanding rehearsal process. John's play (which i'm directing) was amazingly easy due to excellent casting on my part. John and Eric dove into this difficult, awkward script with almost perfect understanding right off the bat. Their comfort with the content and each other made this rehearsal process almost too easy. I kinda miss the pay off you get when you have to struggle through something to make it work.
3. Paint the Town second draft is in progress and i've identified a pretty large change that needs to be made. Oh well, that's what revision is for.
4. the next major Insurgent Theatre production will be a 40 minute one act at The Alchemist, which we will show alongside an equal length similarly themed show written and produced by the alchemist folks. The working title for our half is "the Room Below" it's about voyeurism and victemhood. The Alchemist's half is called 31 and it's about a forensic investigator.
5. Upua is our big BIG spring/summer show. The short stories of Donald Barthemle interpreted by local playwrights and staged in a giant paper mache landfill. i am SO looking forward to building this set.
6.The Bronze Fonz moves forward and we're still against it.
7. Street theatre action chilled out for the cold weather, but this spring it'll thaw and flourish more than ever.
8. We've submitted an application to the MN fringefest. If we win the lottery we'll be going up there early august.
9. I'm working on a thorough but conscise statement of my theory and on putting together a collection of essays about the intersection of art and politics. These items will become part of the Insurgent Theatre merch table for future shows. If you have opinions about the intersection of arts and politics and would like to submit an essay, email me at

414 305 9832

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